Beauty and Health Tips

Dr. Matthys brings you helpful tips, skin care news and advice. From beauty to keeping your kids safe in the sun, you'll find everything you need to know here!
Are you applying your suncreen properly? Probably not!

Are you applying your suncreen properly? Probably not!

People often neglect applying sunscreen to days when the skies are overcast. UV radiation still penetrates the cloud cover even when the sun is not shining as bright. If you are outdoors, even briefly, between dawn and dusk, applying sun protection daily is an important, health behavior.

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Skincare that all Parents should Know

Skincare that all Parents should Know

Children’s skin is generally more sensitive than their adult counterparts thanks to being thinner and more delicate. This makes them more vulnerable to sunburns and their related symptoms.

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Sun Protection at Higher Altitudes

Sun Protection at Higher Altitudes

When someone is at the ocean or the lake, they usually apply sunscreen and wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from sunburn. In higher elevation, there is a false sense of protection. People tend to believe they are less likely to get a burn or skin damage caused by UVA/UVB rays during the winter months

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Sunshine and Happiness

Sunshine and Happiness

A bigger problem, and one that is not well known, is the fact that people are not using sunscreen correctly. Imagine if you wore a seat belt made of dental floss. Really? That is how most people use sun protection. They don’t use enough to provide the protection they are expecting based on the SPF number on the bottle.

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